Hier vind je de leveringsvoorwaarden van SUE | Behavioural Design. Ons ultieme doel is om je extreem enthousiast en buitengewoon tevreden te maken met onze trainingen en sprints, dus heb je nog vragen aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen.

Leveringsvoorwaarden SUE | Behavioural Design Academy
SUE I Behavioural Design Academy B.V., registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 68921187.
1. Applicability
- These terms and conditions apply to the courses offered and booked through the website (https://suebehaviouraldesign.com/academy/courses-overview/) of SUE I Behavioural Design Academy B.V. (hereafter SUE BDA).
- Changes to these Terms & Conditions are valid only if agreed in writing.
- The customer’s terms and conditions, regardless of what they are called, are expressly excluded.
2. Our courses
- Our courses only ever run subject to availability and sufficient interest.
- A booking can be cancelled by the customer within 14 days of entering into the agreement, by sending an email requesting cancellation of the booking to [email protected]. All course materials received must then be returned complete, undamaged and in their original packaging.
3. Agreement
- The agreement is formed as soon as a course booking has been confirmed in writing by SUE BDA; the length of the agreement is for the duration of the relevant course.
- The mission of SUE BDA is “to unlock the power of behavioural psychology to nudge people into making better choices in work, life, and play”. SUE BDA therefore reserves the right to refuse a booking made by any person who, for example, works or is involved with an organisation that promotes racism, sexism, the use of alcohol/drugs/tobacco, violates animal rights, or promotes any other form of unhealthy or unethical behaviour.
- SUE BDA makes every effort to provide a quality course with qualified trainers and makes every effort to ensure that the customer can complete the course with the intended result.
- Conversely, the customer undertakes to participate fully in the course with dedication and commitment in order to be able to complete it with the intended result.
4. Price and payment
- All listed prices include the costs of the course materials mentioned on the website and exclude VAT.
- An invoice for the course is issued by SUE BDA immediately after the booking has been confirmed.
- SUE BDA applies a payment term of 7 days, unless otherwise stated and on the understanding that the course fee must always be received by SUE BDA using the specified IBAN number before the start of the course.
- There is the option of paying course fees in instalments (up to a maximum of 4) by direct debit, provided that the request is made and authorised at the time of booking. The full amount of participation must be paid before the start of the course
- In the event that SUE BDA has written to the customer advising them that they are in default due to non-payment, late payment or partial payment, SUE BDA will then be entitled to prevent the customer from starting or continuing to attend a course; course fees are still payable in full. SUE BDA may also charge reasonable costs incurred for collection, at a minimum amount of €250.
5. Cancellation
- In the event that SUE BDA decides to cancel a course, for any reason, SUE BDA may offer the customer the option of attending the course on another date, receiving a credit note or receiving a full refund of the course fee already received.
- Bookings may be cancelled by the customer in writing before the start of the course. If the customer cancels their booking, a cancellation fee will be incurred which is a percentage of the course fee depending on how much notice is given:
– Up to one month before the course: 25%
– Up to two weeks before the course: 50%
– Up to one week before the course: 100%
– If no start date applies (e.g. coaching, self-study, e-learning) 100% of the costs will always be charged. - In case of absence or illness, a participant has the option to send a replacement participant. The replacement participant must meet the applicable admission requirements for an activity.
The decision on the suitability of a replacement rests with SUE BDA. A suitable replacement must be known to SUE BDA no later than three working days before the start of an activity.
6. Liability
- Any liability of SUE BDA and any natural or legal person involved in the formation and/or performance of the agreement (together hereinafter referred to as SUE BDA plus) is always limited to direct damage and to the price of the relevant course.
- SUE BDA plus is not liable for any damage to or loss of customer property during the course.
- SUE BDA plus is not liable for any damage resulting from errors of any kind in the course materials and/or in the information and advice provided orally by trainers.
- Liability of SUE BDA plus for damage resulting from intentional or deliberate recklessness is not excluded.
7. Intellectual property rights
- The intellectual property rights, such as copyright, design, trademark, and trade name rights, on the graphical user interface of the SUE BDA website and on the texts and images thereon, as well as on the materials provided by SUE BDA to the customer, such as but not limited to syllabi, publications, templates, models, systems, strategies, structures, tools, logos, and pay-offs, rest exclusively with SUE BD and/or third parties, with whom SUE BD has entered into licensing agreements.
- The materials provided by SUE BDA are intended solely for the customer’s own use and may only be used by the customer within the context of the course for which they were provided.
- SUE | Influence Framework, SUE | Behavioural Design Canvas, SUE | Behavioural Design Method, SWAC Model and SUE | Behavioural Ideation Model are trading names of SUE Amsterdam B.V. SUE is a registered trademark of SUE BDA.
- The customer is not permitted to use or reproduce, in the broadest sense of the word, SUE BDA’s intellectual property rights.
8. Confidentiality and non-disclosure
- The customer has a duty of confidentiality towards SUE BDA and must treat as confidential the data, information and materials made available by SUE BDA, including the quotations, concepts and other documents and materials originating from SUE BDA such as, but not limited to, syllabi, publications, templates, models, systems, strategies, structures, tools, logos and pay-offs (hereinafter: “the Information”), which by their nature are confidential and/or are considered to be protected by any intellectual property right or trade secret protection right.
- The customer will use the Information exclusively for their own use and will not share it with any third party (other than the individuals participating in the Academy) without SUE BDA’s prior written consent.
- Any further use or exploitation of the Information constitutes a breach and thus a violation of this provision.
9. Penalty clause
- If the customer acts in breach of the foregoing articles 7 and/or 8, they will owe SUE BDA an immediately payable fine of €10,000 (ten thousand euros) per breach and an amount of €1,000 (one thousand euros) per day that the breach continues, whereby the foregoing is without prejudice to the right of SUE BDA to also claim damages; this fine is owed irrespective of whether the breach is attributable to the customer and without prior notice of default or legal proceedings being required.
10. Privacy
- The personal data provided by the customer at the time of booking will be used by SUE BDA solely for administrative and communication reasons related to the course and the running of the course.
- Photos of attendees may be taken during or at the end of the course for the purpose of SUE BDA’s course-related publicity via the Internet and social media. You will be asked to give your consent before photographs are taken. You can withdraw your consent at any time.
- SUE BDA acts in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The privacy statement of SUE Amsterdam B.V. can be found on the website.
11. Complaints procedure
- Complaints should be sent by email ([email protected]) to SUE BDA. SUE BDA will acknowledge receipt within 5 working days and aim to resolve the complaint within two (2) weeks. If more time is needed, the customer will be notified within that timeframe explaining the delay. The notification will also include an indication as to when SUE BDA expects to be able to provide a definitive answer.
- All correspondence regarding the complaints procedure will be retained by BDA for one (1) calendar year.
12. Disputes
- These general terms and conditions and the agreement entered into with SUE BDA are governed by Dutch law.
- Disputes concerning these general terms and conditions and/or the agreement entered into with SUE BDA or resulting from it will be judged exclusively by the competent court in Amsterdam.
©Buro Blanchard/Mr. F.F. Blanchard
Haarlem, May 2020, updated September 2023
Altijd al gefascineerd waarom mensen dingen doen (of juist niet)?
In onze Behavioural Design Fundamentals Course leren we je een praktische methode om het keuzesproces van mensen te ontcijferen en dit te vertalen in betere producten, diensten, campagnes of beleid..