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Want applied behavioural science to be firmly rooted in your projects?

In this course, we'll take your team to the next level of mastery of Behavioural Design. They'll be learning how to set up and lead Behavioural Design Sprints—leveraging behavioural science to achieve operational excellence and using an evidence-based approach to design next-generation people-centred products, services, campaigns or policies.

practical project skills

Achieve operational excellence Leverage behavioural science

Behavioural Design Advanced Course

This is the perfect training for teams that graduated the Fundamentals Course and want to step up their game in applying Behavioural Design in practice. After this course team members can set-up and lead Behavioural Design Sprints and become the Behavioural Design experts in your organisation.

new tools & know-how work on team case certification personal attention 100% practical

When join this training?

Your team has completed the Fundamentals Course but wants to deepen their know-how and skills in Behavioural Design. You want to get Behavioural Design truly up and running in your daily practice. This training will help your team gain the creative confidence to inject behavioural intelligence into their projects, to set up and run behavioural Design projects themselves,  and make a customer-centric strategy come to life for real. Sounds like what your team needs? Then this course fits like a glove!

What do you get?

A three-month program in which we combine masterclasses, work sessions and personal coaching to advance your team’s Behavioural Design skills. This very practical course is taught by our senior Behavioural Design Sprint Leads, teaching your team the ins and outs of setting up and running a Behavioural Design project while working on their own case. They’ll get access to new know-how, tools and templates.

What is the investment?

Our Advanced Course is a fixed investment per participant of € 3.490,- excluding VAT. No unexpected extra costs. We limit group size to a maximum of 8 participants per training and can set up separate editions for leadership and teams.. In-company training starts at a minimum of 8 participants.

Want to discuss options?

What makes us different from all other training facilities is that everything we teach you is firmly rooted in practice. We are a unique combination of a Behavioural Design Academy and Behavioural Design Consultancy. Everything we learn in our work with clients is injected into our training. That's how you can be sure that the know-how is up to date and relevant. Your trainers are also 100% practitioners.

how can we help

Maybe you recognise this

  • You need Behavioural Design experts in your team 
  • You feel your team needs more confidence to run BD projects
  • Your team runs into practical hick-ups when applying BD
  • You need first BD success case to gain a support base for BD
  • You want your organisation be a frontrunner in innovation
  • You want your team to turn client-centred vision into action
  • To stay ahead your team needs to start doing things differently
  • You want your team to master the Behavioural Design Method©

You don't buy a car without a test drive

Or not even a shirt without seeing if it fits. So, why book an in-company training without seeing if we are the right fit? That's why you can book a Sixty with SUE: an hour of free consultation to see if our training is the perfect match for you. Maybe you need custom training or need some more explanation of how behavioural science can help your teams grow related to your specific context? The Sixty is meant to give you answers on which you can base your decision to book a training with us with confidence.

Book me a Sixty

PS. It is absolutely free and there are no strings attached whatsoever!

Your team will learn how to set up and facilitate a Behavioural Design Sprint as they will go through every step in detail to solve their own Behavioural Design challenge.

SUE behavioral design academy

Understand behaviour. Be successful.

After this training your team

  • Can set-up and facilitate a Behavioural Design Sprint
  • Knows how to select the right respondents
  • Has advanced their behavioural interview skills
  • Has truly mastered the SUE | Influence Framework©
  • Knows how to spot quick wins and opportunities
  • Has mastered new creative techniques
  • Knows how to make human journeys
  • Has gained practical prototyping skills
  • Has learned how to overcome your own biases
  • Has built a Behavioural Design success case

EXTRA FLEXIBILITY: You can pick and secure your own training dates
You have the freedom to pick the training dates. See what fits your team’s schedule (a timeslot from 9.00 – 16.00 hours) and we’ll put it in our agenda. However, our schedules tend to fill up quite fast; that’s why you can always book an option to secure the dates. We hold the dates for two weeks for you; no further obligations or strings attached!

What will your team learn?

In the Advanced Course, we will teach your team the ropes of setting up and leading a Behavioural Design project from A to Z. They'll be working on building their own case. They will master even more practical tools and deepen their skills to apply the Behavioural Design Method© with more confidence. The Advanced Course is 100% practice focused and aimed to help your team inject Behavioural Design into their projects with ease.

Four core building blocks

The Advanced Course will advance your team’s ability to apply every step of the Behavioural Design Method© with more confidence, and your team will know how to prepare every step in the process.

Insight: Your team will be learning the ropes of setting up and doing a behavioural analysis: From respondent selection to interviewing techniques.
Analysis: We will make sure your team will truly master the SUE | Influence Framework© in all its facets: How do they plot insights? How do they go about the analysis? How can they deliver genuine value?
Intervention: Your team members will fill their toolbox with even more creative techniques from behavioural science to get to strategies or ideas that will influence choice and behaviour.
Impact: Your team will take a deep dive into prototyping: How can they make them? How can they learn the most from prototypes? They’ll get personal coaching on this.

Download the free brochure

We have created a brochure that explains all the ins and outs of the Advanced Course. From the program to the former participants. From the investment to the needed commitment: it's all in there.

Download the brochure

Go ahead, there are no strings attached!

“Going from pushing creative ideas to clients to actually listening to humans, fall in love with their problems and then come to better ideas is a mindblowing paradigm shift. “

Mathieu Hermans
Strategy Director & Partner Zuid Creatives

“BDA Advanced is really experiencing how to put the method into practice. Super educational and in an energetic way! The method is taught to you in clear steps. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a must-have tool for anyone who is or is going to change innovation. This is an enrichment of your skills!”

Niels Groenewoud
Senior Consultant Category & Trade Company

How will your team learn?

This training differs from the Fundamentals Course as it includes personal coaching and home assignments. It is even more practical to help you become more skilled in practice.

Live Training

We will get together for five days to teach your team new theories and tools. We have prepared new masterclasses that will deepen their know-how of Behavioural Design Method©. But they need to able to turn this into practice. Therefore, we will combine the masterclasses with interactive work sessions in which we apply the Behavioural Design Method© to each team member’s challenges right away.

Personal Coaching

To make sure each team member’s case will be a success, we make sure they come well prepared. We will coach everyone one-on-one to help them overcome hurdles in the process and to make sure they are well prepared for crucial steps in the Behavioural Design Method©. This way, we can help individual team members where they need some extra help apart from the group.

Home Assignments

The Advanced Course is an intensive program in which you solve an actual case of your own. So, you need to get your hands dirty. We will run a Behavioural Design Sprint just like you will do later on in your team. So, you need to select respondents, you need to do actual interviews, and sometimes you need to prepare something. You’ll receive new templates and tools to help you do so.

“This program makes you realise that there is so much untapped potential within your company. You just need to have the BDA system to unleash it fully.”

Pieter Meijer
CEO – Pervorm

“The combination of theory and practice really pulls you out of your comfort zone. Always a plus the teachers are enthusiastic and engaging. I’m going to use it for personal and work. You can do so much with what I learned!”

Kari-Anne Fygi

Do you want to train less than 8 people?

No problem! We also offer an open edition of the Advanced Course. Your employees can join a group of like-minded professionals from different industries.

Go to the open edition

Same program, only difference is being surrounded by people from other companies!

This is included in the tuition fee

The fee includes so much more than training


Five days of live masterclasses and three personal coaching sessions combined with guided home assignments that will boost the success rate of your new skills mastery.


All course presentations, new templates and tools for you to download and use as many times as you like, accessible 24/7 and updated regularly.

Alumni extras

We will keep inspiring you with articles, videos and more to keep your learning going.


You’ll receive a certificate that officially recognises your as Behavioural Designer.


Breakfast, snacks, lunch, graduation drink, help with finding a hotel, Amsterdam insider tips, it’s all included.


Your know-how of the method is advanced with the new theory, tools and templates.

Did you know we're an official educational institution? We're globally accredited by the Education Quality Assessment Commission based on our curriculum, our method of teaching and our general conditions.

Who join the Advanced Course?

People who join are all experienced, like-minded professionals who have to influence people in one way or another. Still, all feel their missing link to succeed is to gain a deep understanding of human psychology and behaviour. We’ve had marketers join who want to convince clients of their products. HR managers who need people to embrace change. Entrepreneurs who have to convince investors. Governmental advisors who need people to adopt policies.








Government & non-profit

Download the free brochure

We have created a brochure that explains all the ins and outs of the Advanced Course. From the program to the former participants. From the investment to the needed time commitment: it's all in there.

Download the brochure

Go ahead, there are no strings attached!

By participating in the Advanced Course, your team will take an essential next step in mastering Behavioural Design. In other words, the ability to design choice and behaviour by using behavioural science. The crucial insights from behavioural science will be part of the training. Still, foremost they will be made very practical: how can they use the Behavioural Design Method© in daily work life? Therefore, it builds on the knowledge they have from the Fundamentals Course, and they will be well on your way to become Behavioural Design experts.

Some of the organisations we worked with.

We have helped injecting behavioural intelligence into teams or projects both for national and international clients. Ranging from non-profits, corporates, governments to scale-ups.

We are happy to see what Behavioural Design can do for you or your organisation. Feel free to contact us, no strings attached!

A final check

Some facts about the course

  • Taught in both Dutch and English
  • A mix of live training, coaching and guided homework
  • Suited for people in profit and non-profit organisations
  • Suited when working outside communication or marketing
  • Official educational institution
  • Small groups, a maximum learning curve
  • Five full-days breakfast, lunch, drinks, graduation drink
  • 100% actionable skills, learning by doing
  • Rare chance to learn from the frontrunners in the industry
  • Only accessible to Fundamental Course graduates

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Check out all in-company training
Behavioural Design Fundamentals Course for teams

This helps your team master a hands-on method and tools to apply the latest behavioural science in practice.

Take me there
One-day Behavioural Design Workshop for teams

In our one-day workshops, we teach your team either to unlock behavioural insights or to develop ideas that change behaviour. Learning by doing!

Take me there

We are accredited by the EQAC.

We’re an official education acknowledged and globally accreditated by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission (EQAC). The EQAC is committed to promoting high standards of education, recognising professional excellence and providing an invaluable guide to education quality and recognition in the complex sector of worldwide education. To get this accreditation, we were evaluated on a quality code covering our curriculum, our method of teaching and our general conditions. All to make sure that you are guaranteed the best level of education.

Add behavioural intelligence to your projects

Are you ready to step up your organisation's game? In this training, we will advance your team in their Behavioural Design skills. It gets even more practical, and they'll reach the next level in Behavioural Design mastery. They will have the creative and strategic confidence to set up and lead Behavioural Design projects in your organisation or teams.