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SUE | Behavioural Design Ethics

Our mission, vision, and most importantly, our daily behaviours to safeguard behavioural design ethics in our work.
This is also where you can download our SUE | Behavioural Design Ethics Toolkit©, packed with practical tools
to unlock the power of behavioural psychology to help people make better decisions in work, life, and play.

The know-how of behavioural psychology can be a powerful tool to shape choices and behaviour. Therefore in Behavioural Design, thinking about ethics and acting upon them is not just relevant – it is indispensable. We have carefully formulated our vision on Behavioural Design ethics on an organisational, project and personal level. 

But vision is one thing; Behavioural Design Ethics need to be applied in practice. That’s why we have created a toolkit to incorporate ethics in our Behavioural Design: to make sure we leverage this extraordinary power to do good. Feel free to download our tools or adjust them to your vision and mission. As long as you intend to help people progress, we’re more than okay with that. 

SUE | Behavioural Design Ethics: an introduction.

This page is not just a page. It covers a subject that is very close to our hearts: the ethics of Behavioural Design. It will shed a light unto how we incorporate ethics in our way of working. It will also provide you with practical tools to help you pinpoint the considerations you need to make to safeguard the ethics in Behavioural Design. It is our take on things. It isn’t perfect yet. It is ever-evolving work-in-progress, but it is a solid start. At SUE | Behavioural Design, we are very much concerned about the ethics of applied behavioural science.

Our mission is to unlock the power of behavioural psychology to help people make better decisions in work, life and play.

As we are in the business of designing interventions that will influence choice and shape behaviour, we need to have a clear vision of the ethics of Behavioural Design and code of conduct. That’s why we have created this Behavioural Design Ethics Toolkit. We hope it will give you some practical guidelines on how to use Behavioural Design for positive influence.

It isn’t perfect yet. We are prototyping and learning every day. It is constant work in progress that we will keep sharing with you. Our goal is to be very open and transparent about how we try to safeguard the ethics of Behavioural Design and how sometimes we struggle with it. We hope you are in this for the sake of progress, improvement, better decision-making and positive behaviour, and you will embrace our tools and best practices.

The SUE | Behavioural Design Toolkit©

Here you find the different elements of our Behavioural Design Toolkit©. We recommend you start with reading the blog post or downloading the booklet that gives a clear overview of our vision and behaviours. Complement them with the tools.

behavioural design - illustration birdeyes

Our Behavioural Design Ethics explained

Read this blog post if you want to learn all about our guiding ethical principles and how we translated them into practice. This blog post tells where we are at and how we work on safeguarding behavioural design ethics daily. Recommended start.
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The Behavioural Design Ethics Booklet

Download our FREE Behavioural Design Ethics booklet with our vision, mission and tools to make ethical considerations at every stage of a project; for you to download, keep at hand and use at your projects to ensure you design for good.
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Cognitive biases checklist

We all have cognitive biases that diffuse our decision-making; this  checklist will remind you of the most common mental mistakes we make, so you will be better prepared to avoid them.
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Getting valuable feedback

An essential element to make better ethical judgments is to get valuable feedback on your actions. This tool helps you getting and giving better feedback based on the Johari Window.
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Our Guiding Principles

A mission and vision is one thing, but you need to make crystal clear what they mean. What do you think is essential or an absolute no-go. These are our guiding ethical principles.
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Behavioural Design Ethics Cards

Download our Behavioural Ethics cards to help you ask the right questions at every stage of a project. From the project intake to preparation, from intervention assessment to evaluation.
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