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Hello, so great to see you!

Maybe you are a Behavioural Design Academy alumnus or one of our valued consultancy clients. In that case, welcome back! Or perhaps you stumbled upon our work just now or are a regular visitor to get your dose of Behavioural Design.

Let us start by saying that we are very grateful that you are interested in our work. Your appreciation means the world to us. Creating the SUE | Behavioural Design Method©, our SUE | Influence Framework©, the Behavioural Design Canvas©, the SUE | SWAC Tool© and our content, tools and templates have been our life’s work for over ten years. So, are all the cheat cards and downloads that we shared.

We would love for you to benefit from everything we created to unlock the power of Behavioural Design to make better decisions in work, life, and play.

It took us a lot of reading, tweaking, researching, prototyping, failing, optimising and perseverance to get all our models, templates, content and tools where they are right now. That’s why they are all protected by copyright.

Getting permission to use and license our copyrighted work is essential to protect it—you are not allowed by law to use our work without our consent. Even if you have the best intentions or are unaware of misuse of our work and materials means, you are violating the copyright law.

In short, to use (e.g., copy, publish, transmit, teach, exhibit, distribute, modify, display, record) our copyrighted work online or offline, for profit or non-profit, you need to obtain our permission first.

This protects our hard work and intellectual property. We hope you understand that we have to safeguard this.

This doesn’t mean you cannot use our work. You can always send us a request for permission. Depending on the request, we may send you a simple mail granting you permission or ask you to sign a more formal licensing agreement that includes fees. This depends on your request and the specific use you have in mind. We will help you where we can.

Do know that we are not legal specialists. If you want to dive a bit deeper into copyright law, please seek reliable legal assistance, just like we did. They can help clear things up. You can also check this website that explains more about the European Copyright Law.

We get many requests to use our work; if you send us an email, know that we do our best to answer you as swiftly as possible. In the meantime, please always refer to the original sources on our website.

Thank you so much for your understanding, and thanks again for your interest in our work.

We genuinely hope to meet you one day in our consultancy or academy!

The SUE Team