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Supercharge your team's performance with behavioural science

In this course your team will learn a practical method to decode unconscious human decision-making and they will master principles from behavioural science to translate these into compelling products, services, campaigns or policies that will inlfuence choice and shape behaviours.

Power up your teams

In two days your teams will master: Behavioural Design Fundamentals

European Commission
Fit for Free

Behavioural Design Fundamentals Course

This is the perfect start for anyone who wants their team to catch up with the latest in behavioural science
and to learn how to apply this in practice right away. Our most popular training.

mindshifting know-how top-notch trainers certificate of recognition backed by science 100% practical

When book this training?

It could be you want to inject behavioural intelligence into your teams. You want to discover a different approach to stay ahead of competition. Or need to transform how you connect with your audiences. Whether your team needs to influence customer, citizen or employee behaviour, a vital skill often missing is knowing how to decode unconscious human decision-making and the forces that influence behaviour. This training is perfect if you want your teams to learn how to leverage the power of behavioural science in practice.

What do you get?

Customised 3-day training to get your teams(s) up-to-speed with the essential insights of behavioural science. However, we will turn this theory into practice by teaching your team a hands-on method to apply this to a practical case right away. In the training, this case will be tailored to an existing organisational, team or project challenge: learning by doing. This is followed up by one hour of team coaching and six months of digital learning to stimulate further mastery and practice of Behavioural Design in their daily work.

What is the investment?

Our in-company Fundamentals Course is a fixed investment per participant of 1.790- excluding VAT. This includes customisation of the training, three full days of training, interviewing of real target group, one-hour follow-up team coaching, location, catering and six months of follow-up training. We can train up to 16 people in one session and set up separate courses for leadership & management and teams. In-company training starts at 8 participants.

Want to discuss options?

What makes us different from all other training facilities is that everything we teach you is firmly rooted in practice. We are a unique combination of a Behavioural Design Academy and Behavioural Design Consultancy. Everything we learn in our work with clients is injected into our training. That's how you can be sure that the know-how is up to date and relevant. Your trainers are also 100% practitioners.

how can we help

Maybe you recognise this

  • You cannot always convince people of your ideas
  • You want people to act instead of saying they will
  • You have little control over the decisions people make
  • You need to convince hesistant people to embrace change
  • You have lost time & money on ideas people didn’t embrace
  • You want to help people make better decisions
  • You want to catch-up on behavioural science
  • You need to turn your client-centred vision into action
  • You need people to act now to secure a better future
  • To stay ahead you need to start doing things differently

EXTRA FLEXIBILITY: You can pick and secure your own training dates
You have the freedom to pick the training dates. See what fits your team’s schedule (two timeslots from 9.00 – 17.00 hours) and we’ll put it in our agenda. However, our schedules tend to fill up quite fast; that’s why you can always book an option to secure the dates. We hold these dates for two weeks for you; no further obligations or strings attached!

Virtual training or on location?
Whatever suits you best!

Your team can join the Fundamentals Course both at our training location, at your location or as virtual training. Whatever suits you best!
(Although joining us in person can be a great solution for a team building activity with substance).

Training on Location.

Have your team join the Fundamentals Course (2 full days) in our fully equipped training location in Amsterdam. Get your team up-to-speed with the latest in Behavioural Design while getting away from work distractions and being pampered with homemade food.

In Person Virtual Training.

Have your team enjoy the Fundamentals Course (4 half days) from the comfort of their own home or office. They'll watch a live trainer and get real-time feedback & coaching. Interact with their colleagues with whom they get to collaborate in virtual rooms.

You don't buy a car without a test drive.

Or not even a shirt without seeing if it fits. So, why book an in-company training without seeing if we are the right fit? That's why you can book a Sixty with SUE: an hour of free consultation to see if our training is the perfect match for you. Maybe you need custom training or need some more explanation of how behavioural science can help your teams grow related to your specific context? The Sixty is meant to give you answers on which you can base your decision to book a training with us with confidence.

Book me a Sixty

PS. It is absolutely free and there are no strings attached whatsoever!

We have already trained over 1.500 people from over 45 countries awarding us with a satisfaction rate of 9,2.

What will your team learn?

Your team will master the SUE | Behavioural Design Method© consisting of three steps. They will learn how to decode unconscious human decision-making, how to unlock the forces that stand between the undesired and desired behaviour, and how to use behavioural science to come up with strategies and ideas that will influence choice and shape behaviour.

Understand behaviour. Be successful.

After just two days of training your team will

  • Know how human-decision making works
  • Understand which forces shape behaviour
  • Master the art of influencing choices
  • Know how to unlock valuable human insights
  • Discover opportunities to change behaviour
  • Be able to create ideas that people will embrace
  • Learn how to prototype and validate these quickly
  • Get people to buy your ideas or products
  • Understand how to pitch ideas to win

“BDA knocks down some of the innate ideas on marketing and communication completely. And replaces them with well-founded and easy to apply alternatives.”

Twan Timmermans
Head of Communication Municipality Apeldoorn

“A very nice curriculum that provides an excellent balance between theory and practice in which you learn how to apply the power of psychological techniques in your daily practice.”

Jildert Huitema
Former Manager Marketing | Digital Intelligence – Randstad

Do you want to train less than 8 people?

No problem! We also offer an open edition of the Fundamentals Course. Your employees can join a group of like-minded professionals from different industries.

Go to the open edition

Same program, only difference is working on a collective case!

Four Core Learning Modules


Your team will understand human decision making and will grasp why people do things or why they don’t. They’ll know where to start from if they want to change or influence behaviour. We’ll bring them up to speed with the essential insights from behavioural science so that they’ll have a solid foundation to inject behavioural intelligence into their projects.


Your team will learn how to research people’s behaviour and to reveal opportunities for behavioural change by identifying your users’ pains, gains, comforts, and anxieties. We’ll teach them how to use the SUE | Influence Framework© and how to plot behavioural insights on a Behavioural Design Canvas©.


They will learn how to develop ideas that will effectively shape choices or change behaviour using principles from behavioural science. This will help your team develop next-generation products, services, marketing or policies that are people-centred. We’ll teach them how even if they are not creative.


Your team will learn how to test, analyse and improve the strategies and ideas they came up with so that they will know how to tackle challenges with an evidence-based approach instead of relying on gut feeling. We’ll also teach them how to leverage behavioural science to convince others of their working ideas or strategy.

The Program Breakdown

Start: Foundation

Every genuinely transformative learning experience is built on a solid foundation. In this module, we’ll start by teaching your team the fundamentals they’ll need to master to influence choice and design behaviour predictably. We’ll start by giving them some clarification of the buzzwords they are surrounded with right now, like design thinking, human-centred thinking, and behavioural design. So, they won’t be puzzled by that anymore and will be in the know.
Next, we’ll reveal the importance of behavioural design in the world. We’ll show your team the impact it can make and how they can make this impact too. We’ll illustrate this with real-life examples.
We’ll continue this module by teaching your team the fundamental need-to-knows of the science of human psychology. What are the breakthrough insights in this field? What do they need to know about human decision-making? Which forces influence human behaviour? How can they reveal those forces, and how can they make them work for themselves? Why do people do things or don’t do something? How can they spot opportunities that help them develop ideas, products or policies that people want to embrace? Your team will gain a deep understanding of human psychology, and they’ll be able to spot a behavioural design problem and opportunity in every challenge they have to solve.
Finally, we’ll bring this together in a very hands-on tool that we’ve developed, called the Behavioural Design Canvas©, with in its heart the SUE | Influence Framework©, that will connect the dots of the acquired insights in a very logical and practical way. And your team will learn to work with the model in an interactive work session working on an actual team or organisation case that they’ll be working during the two days. So, they will be learning by doing right from the start.

Step 1: Insight

In this module, we’ll deep dive into the first step of the SUE | Behavioural Design Method©: Insight. There’s no strong idea that doesn’t start with solid insight, but the problem is that most research doesn’t come up with groundbreaking insights. Or even insights that are in any way meaningful. That’s because most analysis doesn’t start at behaviour or is researching the wrong behaviour. People are filled with good intentions and will tell you in interviews that they’ll do something – like using your product or complying with your policy – but they’ll end up not doing it in practice. Proper behavioural research – or we even prefer to call it behavioural analysis – can save you expensive and timely mistakes and give you real insights that will lead to predictable behaviour.
In this module, we’ll teach your team how they can genuinely unlock behavioural insights. To be exact: how to research past behaviour, the only truth out there, as this happened. We’ll start by showing them which barriers people may have in interviewing; we’ll teach them interview techniques, we’ll give them tips and pointers on how to set up a useful interview script and then they’ll put it into practice in an interactive work session.
Insights are somewhat worthless if you a) analyse them wrongly and b) not use them correctly (or at all for that fact: how often are research reports not genuinely used in strategy or idea development). A vital pillar of the success of our Behavioural Design Method© is that the different phases – insight/intervention/impact – are intertwined and therefore build upon each other. That’s why we’ll end this module with a practical tool again: the SUE | Behavioural Design Canvas©. We’ll teach your team how to map interview insights on the canvas and define opportunities that will lead to the desired behaviour. Again they practice with this tool in the program case, so they’ll know how to use the canvas when we’re not around anymore.

Step 2: Intervention

In the Insight module, your team will have acquired the behavioural insights needed and now is the time we’ll teach them the behavioural design tools and techniques to come up with ideas that will change behaviour. We will introduce your team to the elegant and easy-to-use SWAC Model. We’ll teach them about capability, willingness, and sparks. We’ll also teach your team a technique to make sure the best creativity comes out of a (multifunctional) team. They’ll start practising with this tool right away in a work session, creating ideas for their case they’ll be working on with your team. You’ll be amazed by the quantity and quality of the ideas they’ll come up with within the limited time available. Whether your teams are already creative or are creative newbies: we’ll rock their world on creativity can come to be.

Step 3: Impact

We now reach the final step of the SUE | Behavioural Design Method©: Impact. We’ll start by explaining how rapid prototyping beats predicting and planning and will help your team minimise your risks to fail big. We’ll not only tell your team about the importance of prototyping, but we’ll also show them what prototypes are and how to make them. In an interactive work session, they’ll start making prototypes for the ideas that your team developed in the Intervention module.
We then move into a workshop that will bring the whole Behavioural Design Method© together so that your team can experience the magic of the model working as a whole. They will bring the skills they acquired in the Insight module into practice. They will be testing their ideas via prototypes by interviewing their peers. They’ll get feedback (using their skills from the Insight module to spot new behavioural insights).
Next up in this module, we will teach your team how to use behavioural psychology to convince other people of their working strategies and ideas. We’ll hand them our Behavioural Bias Overview©, which gives them a very hands-on tool to pitch their ideas to win. And we’ll teach your tea, how to set up the ultimate 5-minute pitch. We’ll end this module – and our two-day program – with a presentation. Together with their teammates, everyone will be doing a 5-minute pitch to convince a jury and their colleagues of their solution for the behavioural design challenge they’ve been working on.
We’ll end this module with an official graduation and graduation drink. Did you know they get an official certificate of recognition, and if they are a NIMA student, they’ll get accredited 15 NIMA points? We’re one of the highest accredited NIMA education. By the end of this module, they are ready to take on the wicked problems of your organisation (or the world) using behavioural science.
Download our brochure

“You guys provided an easy to use framework in which you can apply a massive amount of scientific insights. The hands-on workshop style really helped to see how I can use the knowledge in everyday work. It will help make my job more fun. Thanks!”

Bart Hoogendoorn
Marketing Intelligence Consultant ANWB

“Behavioural Design Academy ensures that your view of the world has changed. After 7,500 working days, I learned how you could influence behaviour in just two days. Afterwards, you can initiate change where you have never previously considered to start a change. It is a start of a journey in which you should be prepared to invest otherwise it is not worth starting. If you want to be meaningful in this world, you should follow the academy.”

Harold van Puijenbroek
Managing Director Eluced

How will your team learn?

After the two days of training your team will unlock FREE access to our Continuous Learning Program with six months of weekly digital lessons. To make sure the course will get your team the success they are looking for.

Masterclasses &
Work Sessions

In a combination of high-end masterclasses and interactive work sessions, they’ll learn how human decision making works and how to amplify the impact of their products, services, marketing or policies using our Behavioural Design Method©.

Continuous Learning Program

They will gain FREE access to six months of digital training. Every week they’ll receive a new lesson in their email with mini masterclasses, new tools or practical tips that will deepen and advance their skills and knowledge.

Personal Growth & Success

To apply what your team has learned is hard when daily reality kicks in again. The success formula of the BDA is that after the two days, we guide your team for six more months to help them use the method they’ve mastered.

The Behavioural Design Canvas©.

The next frontier to maximize your team’s performance is not just to define your business model but to augment this with a deep understanding of the human behind your client, citizen, donor or employee. The SUE | Behavioural Design Canvas© helps you leverage behavioural science to achieve innovative operational excellence. It reveals the hidden forces that influence decisions and behaviour and unlocks opportunities to develop next-generation people-centred products, services, campaigns or policies that will elevate your impact to the next level.

Did you know we're an official educational institution? We're globally accredited by the Education Quality Assessment Commission based on our curriculum, our method of teaching and our general conditions.

This is included in the tuition fee

The fee includes so much more than training


Two days of masterclasses with live trainer and FREE access to our Continuous Learning Program with six months of digital learning. This mixed learning formula will boost the success rate of your new skills mastery.

One-hour team coaching

The training is followed up by one hour of team coaching to help your team apply what they have learned.


All course presentations, materials and tools for your teams to download and use as many times as you like, accessible 24/7 and updated regularly.

Alumni extras

Access to the exclusive online alumni community and to Alumni Days to keep the learning and contact with like-minded peers going.


All team members receive a certificate of recognition for having successfully participated in the Behavioural Design masterclass.


Breakfast, snacks, lunch, graduation drink, help with finding a hotel, Amsterdam insider tips, it’s all included.

These books are covered in the Fundamentals Course

We’ll teach you the essential insights from the latest and best books on behavioural science.

What kind of people join the Fundamentals Course?

People who join are all experienced, like-minded professionals who have to influence people in one way or another. Still, all feel their missing link to succeed is to gain a deep understanding of human psychology and behaviour. We’ve had marketers join who want to convince clients of their products. HR managers who need people to embrace change. Entrepreneurs who have to convince investors. Governmental advisors who need people to follow policies.


Corporates & Service Providers


Education & Health Providers


Entrepreneurs & Consultancies


Government & Non-profit

Download the free brochure.

We have created a brochure that explains all the ins and outs of the Fundamentals Course. From the program to the former participants. From the investment to the people behind the Academy: it's all in there.

Download the brochure

Go ahead, there are no strings attached!

By mastering the SUE | Behavioural Design Method© they have:

  • Built meaningful relationships with clients
  • Boosted sales and conversion rates
  • Optimised their consumer journeys
  • Developed successful innovations or product introductions
  • Made teams more creative, agile and human-centred
  • Unlocked vital behavioural insights and new opportunities
  • Made their communication and marketing more persuasive
  • Installed a strong company culture with good habits
  • Got policies or organisational change embraced
Check out their reviews

Some of the organisations we trained.

We have helped injecting behavioural intelligence into teams or projects both for national and international clients. Ranging from non-profits, corporates, governments to scale-ups.

We are happy to see what Behavioural Design can do for you or your organisation. Feel free to contact us, no strings attached!

A final check

Some facts about the course

  • Taught in both Dutch and English
  • Suited for people in profit and non-profit organisations
  • Suited for people working outside communication or marketing
  • Official educational institution
  • Small groups, a maximum learning curve
  • Two full-days breakfast, lunch, drinks, graduation drink
  • 100% actionable skills, learning by doing
  • Rare chance to learn from the frontrunners in the industry
  • No former experience in psychology or design needed

More in-company training that might suit you!

Check out all in-company training
Behavioural Design Advanced Course for teams

This training teaches how to initiate, set up and run Behavioural Design Sprints from A to Z.

Take me there
One-day Behavioural Design Workshop for teams

In our one-day workshops, we teach your team either to unlock behavioural insights or to develop ideas that change behaviour. Learning by doing!

Take me there

We are accredited by the EQAC.

We’re an official education acknowledged and globally accreditated by the Education Quality Accreditation Commission (EQAC). The EQAC is committed to promoting high standards of education, recognising professional excellence and providing an invaluable guide to education quality and recognition in the complex sector of worldwide education. To get this accreditation, we were evaluated on a quality code covering our curriculum, our method of teaching and our general conditions. All to make sure that you are guaranteed the best level of education.

Learn how to apply behavioural science in practice

Take a look inside our Behavioural Design Academy and discover why over 1.500 other leaders, innovators and forward-thinking professionals had their teams join our Behavioural Design Fundamentals Course to amplify better decision-making and shape predictable behaviours.