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Innovate with strategies or ideas that lead to desired behaviours.

A Behavioural Design Sprint is a fast-paced process to help you develop evidence-based strategies, products, services, marketing or policies that will influence behaviour predictably — not based on gut feeling but firmly rooted in behavioural science and real user prototyping.

Behavioural Design Sprint

Accelerate your problem solving. Power up with behavioural science.

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No strings attached.

Royal Flora Holland
Centraal Beheer
Koninklijke Horeca Nederland
GGD Zeeland

The Behavioural Design Sprint

An exciting hyper-fast innovation process firmly rooted in behavioural science.
Understand actual behaviour and behavioural barriers. Develop ideas that will influence choice and shape behaviour.
Prototype, test, and discover what works in three weeks.

proven method pressure cook process backed by science effects on behaviour tested answers

When do this sprint?

You need to put acceleration in your problem solving, but want to do it smartly? You need to become genuinely people-centric but don’t know how to do it systematically? You need some evidence your user or customer will indeed buy or embrace your product, service or policy, and not just say they will? You need to increase your impact and success rates and are intrigued to put some behavioural science into your project? Then a Behavioural Design Sprint is perfect for you!

What do you get?

A proven systematic approach that will help you solve even the most complex behavioural challenges quickly. We combine design thinking – to get radically human-centred insights – with behavioural science. We’ll join forces, teaming you up with two of our experienced Behavioural Designers to come up with working solutions fast. And we’ll get your actual target audience in, making sure everything we do is tested and validated.

Maybe you recognise this?

You need to

  • Drive behaviour with your marketing not only awareness.
  • Get people to do things instead of saying they will.
  • Breakthrough resistance to behavioural change.
  • Sync your positioning with actual human needs.
  • Get people to stop old behaviours and start new behaviours.
  • Grasp the unconscious decision-making of people.
  • Innovate with radically people-centred products or services.
  • Get more grip on outcomes and the impact of your approach.
  • Add the missing layer of behavioural science to your projects.

Would you like to know more?

We have created a brochure telling you all about the details of the Behavioural Design Sprint. Such as the set-up, the investment, the time commitment, and more. Please, feel free to contact us any time should you have any further questions. We are happy to help!

Download the brochure

Go ahead, there are no strings attached!

“With SUE you don’t do a regular design sprint, but you take a deep-dive into the brain to identify how you can nudge your clients to the desired behaviour!

In just a week we’ve together with SUE taken the point-of-view of the user to find out how we could make our most important T-Mobile proposition simpler and more accessible by taking away human barriers. This indeed is an addition to a ‘normal’ design sprint, as you learn how you can get people to do things and why they sometimes do not move and how you can solve this by little interventions in both text, visual or content.”

Viola Rijnsdorp
Senior Marketing Manager T-Mobile

I return home truly and deeply recharged. With a feeling to be balanced again. Getting to know Behavioural Design as ‘deep insightful simplicity’. A very welcome overhaul that confronted me over and over again that we unconsciously make our work far too complex and made me realize how powerful this alternative thinking is.

Michiel Gerbranda
Founder OOGT

What kind of behaviour can you design in a sprint?

Customer Behaviour: Use behavioural science to nudge people into making decisions that will increase your sales and retention by getting people to buy, visit, recommend, donate or return to you. Understand the human behind your target group.
Citizen & Public Behaviour: Help citizens to make better decisions on wealth, health and happiness. Get citizens to embrace policies or contribute to making their neighbourhood, city or living environment a better place to live.
Leadership & Team Behaviour: Change team behaviours to make your employees more creative, productive, innovative and happy, get them to embrace change, act upon your vision and mission or inject psychological intelligence in your teams.

create sticky value propositions

develop and optimise campaigns

develop next generation products and services

upgrade consumer journeys

create better customer experiences

define compelling price strategies

develop winning donation models

create persuasive brand positionings

design sticky habits

design magnetic physical spaces

develop fetching contact strategies

create enticing HR strategies

You don't buy a car without a test drive

Or not even a shirt without seeing if it fits. So, why book a sprint without seeing if we are the right fit? That's why you can book a Sixty with SUE: an hour of free consultation to see if our sprint is the perfect match for you. Maybe you wish to combine a sprint with training or need some more explanation of how behavioural science can help your teams innovate related to your specific context? The Sixty is meant to give you answers on which you can base your decision to book a training with us with confidence.

Book me a Sixty

PS. It is absolutely free and there are no strings attached whatsoever!

By doing a Behavioural Design Sprint, you force yourself to think outside-in. This way you'll discover how inclined we are to make assumptions about our target groups that are simply wrong.

This is included in the Behavioural Design Sprint

Behavioural Analysis

We’ll make a test plan, select respondents, do qualitative interviews, analyse the behavioural insights, and plot them on a Behavioural Design Canvas© with in its heart the Influence Framework©. This will reveal the behavioural boosters and the behavioural bottlenecks we need to consider to influence desired choices and behaviours.


We will unlock new opportunities for successful behaviour change that will increase your approach’s success rate. This will help you gain more impact as a brand or organisation and develop highly attractive and effective products, services or policies.


We’ll translate these opportunities into strategies, solutions or interventions using proven principles from behavioural science.  This way, we do not simply develop creative ideas, but we’ll come to solutions that will change minds or habits and shape behaviour.


We’ll turn these ideas into prototypes. These could be value propositions, an optimised campaign or website, an (optimised) product, service, a marketing campaign, an optimised consumer journey, a fundraising model, a price strategy, a sales concept, a physical space idea, etc. We test these by interviewing 5 new actual users in qualitative research.


On the last day of the sprint, you can invite your stakeholders. We will present the behavioural insights, the opportunities we spotted, how we turned them into interventions, and show the winning concepts. This will all be integrated into a slide deck that will advise how to turn the working interventions into action.


We help you with a half-day implementation workshop to turn the learnings into action. We’ll help you prioritise, and we’ll give you very hands-on advice on how to get things moving. We’ll decide together where you need help the most.

In the sprint, we test our ideas as quickly as possible with the actual target audience. This enables us to refine, and improve our concepts based on the feedback of the real people we're trying to convince and not on our hunches.

Some of our success stories

We have done Behavioural Design Sprints for both national and international organisations.


Engage Australian female business leaders to support refugee women.

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Achieve zero waste during festivals and concerts designing new festival vistors' behaviour.

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Help people to build up a workout routine that lasts.

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Transform the way of working into a culture of collaboration.

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Get mortgage owners to act upon their debts now, to not get into financial problems later.

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Design a value proposition and customer-acquisition strategy for the Guardian Connect.

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Rotterdam Airport

Design a smooth traveler journey at Rotterdam The Hague Airport during the renovations.

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eBay & Marktplaats

Increase customer engagement on the ECG platfroms, using the Psychology of Trade.

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Centraal Beheer Achmea

Get people to contact Centraal Beheer for more than just insurances.

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The SUE | Behavioural Design Canvas©.

The outcome of the sprint is an influence strategy and tested concepts presented in a custom Behavioural Design Canvas©. We will show which influence buttons should be pushed to get someone from current to the desired behaviour. You will get a behavioural analysis of your target group, insight into the unconscious forces that drive or block the desired behaviour, new opportunities for influence.

Get more detailed information.

Download our Behavioural Design Sprint brochure telling you all about the ins and outs of the sprint in detail. Please feel free to contact us suppose you would like some more information. We gladly tell you all about the possibilities.

Download the brochure

Go ahead, it’s completely free of charge!

a final check

A Behavioural Design Sprint is perfect for you if you want to...

  • Get people beyond intentions into action
  • Increase your impact with human-first strategies and ideas
  • Make your products, services, marketing or policy persuasive
  • Close the gap between research, strategy & creativity
  • Save budget by combining insight, ideation & testing
  • Inject the missing behavioural science into your projects
  • Develop evidence-based creativity
  • Accelerate your innovation or problem solving

More sprints that may fit your needs.

Check out all sprints
Behavioural Ideation Sprint

Want to develop products, services, campaigns or policies that shape choices and behaviours? This is the right sprint.

Take me there
Behavioural Insight Sprint

Want to power up your research with behavioural intelligence? This sprint will do this for you!

Take me there

Download the Behavioural Design Sprint brochure

Just leave your details to download the Behavioural Design Sprint brochure. Do you want to talk to us in person about a challenge you are looking to solve? Give us a call, and we'll book you 'Sixty minutes with SUE': a one-hour free consultation to see how we can help you. We can also tell you about the former sprints we did.

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