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1,5 Minutes on How to Influence Curiosity and Employee Wellbeing

Happy 1,5 Minutes on Influence!

Here is your weekly dose of applying the psychology of influence
to positively impact choices and behaviours.

Looking forward to sharing insights with you!

Warm regards,



In July 2023 the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST),
Discovered the most distant active supermassive black hole to date,
Which existed just over 570 million years after the Big Bang.
For you Star Wars fans out there:
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….”

But even though JWTS researches experiences in the distant past
It is very relevant to us in the here and now.
The driving force of the JWTS was curiosity.
The unstoppable desire to explore, learn and discover.

And even though, most of us probably aren’t astronomers,
There is a link between the James Webb Telescope,
And how it can inspire us to create a workplace,
In which innovation, collaboration and communication thrive,
Leveraging the so-called ‘curiosity effect’ in behavioural science.

1. Promote Exploration:
Like the James Webb Telescope’s journey,
foster a workspace where trying new things is welcomed.
Innovation labs or hackathons can be great for this,
Letting employees experiment and learn
Without fear of making mistakes.

2. Support Continuous Learning:
Reflect the scientific world’s commitment to discovery,
by offering varied learning chances for staff.
Workshops on both job skills and wider curiosity-sparking subjects,
Can broaden perspectives, much like how the James Webb Telescope’s,
discoveries expand our knowledge of the universe.

3. Encourage Questioning:
Inspired by the JWST’s explorative spirit,
Allow employees to question processes, products, and strategies. Establish forums like brainstorming sessions for sharing ideas,
Emulating the telescope’s mission-driven inquiry,
To enhance collective curiosity and problem-solving.

4. Teamwork Power:
The JWST’s creation by NASA, ESA, and CSA highlights,
Teamwork’s role in achieving significant, complex goals.
This collaboration shows how diverse expertise and perspectives,
can drive innovation, emphasizing that a collective approach,
in professional settings can accomplish what individuals alone cannot.

Like the psychologist Herbert Simon once said,
Humans innate urge to discover the unknown,
Is ‘The Cat that curiosity could not kill’.

Let’s embrace curiosity to propel us forward,
And may the force be with us!

Further reading:

NASA – James Webb Space Telescope
Our courses on Learning the Psychology of Influence


The crucial team member you probably weren’t aware of

A recent research asked employees if they would,
Rather getting a raise or a benefit,
79% of the employees preferred a benefit,
High up on this list are extra paid days off,
And perks like childcare and healthcare assistance.

Perks are closely related to motivation,
Whereas money has to do with extrinsic motivation,
Perks are boosters of intrinsic motivation,
Which influences well-being and engagement.

And one of the perks that (quite literally) perk people up?
Good quality coffee!
Research shows that coffee not only offers a momentary break,
It also boosts intellectual and relational performance.

Employees often perceive the availability of good coffee,
As a sign of their employer’s appreciation,
Which can lead to improved mood and job satisfaction.

So, make your next hire a good coffee machine.
It may very well turn out to be a crucial team member.

Source:Coffee in the Workplace: A Social Break or a Performance Enhancer?

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Until next week,

Astrid Groenewegen

Co-Founder of SUE | Behavioural Design Academy

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