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In this week’s video, Astrid Groenewegen gives you 2 practical tips from behavioral science to fight addiction to your phone. How often and how long you spend on your phone has everything to do with behaviour. Therefore, a behavioral intervention is exactly what you need to reduce this.

Beat your phone addiction

Do you sometimes have trouble focusing on your work? Your phone is one of the most disruptive signals that distracts your attention from a task at hand. It has even been investigated that the development of smartphones has gone so fast that we have not had time to adjust our behavior accordingly. So we literally do not know how to deal with all the distractions and information flows.

That is why you need a Behavioral Design intervention to change your behavior. I want to show you how to regain focus. The most important advice I have for you is to make the unwanted behavior as difficult as possible. For this I have two concrete tips that you can use right away.

1. Turn off all your app notifications: They are little dopamine shots you constantly get that you don’t need. You become addicted to constantly checking what is new on your screen.

2. Install a pomodoro app: This is a timer that prompts you to get to work. It helps you to work periods of 25 minutes. Your phone transforms into a countdown clock, without seeing all the other distracting apps and messages. It’s a nudge to stick to your pre-set time that you wanted to work.

So remember, the best way to stop certain behaviors is to make the unwanted behavior as difficult as possible to perform.

Good luck beating your mobile addiction. With the help of Behavioral Design you will be cured in no time.

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